Saturday, June 14, 2008


Sunday is Father's Day..I claim that it's something worthy to blog about. I am very blessed to have grown up with the kind of father that I have. My husband did as well. His father died before we met but I feel like I know him because of the kind of man Drew is. When someone speaks of his dad, it's always with a certain reverence. I can't imagine life without my daddy. I was reading some statistics that are really heartbreaking....43% of children in the U.S. live without their father...90% of homeless or runaway children are from fatherless homes...63%

of youth suicides are from fatherless homes...71% of high school drop outs lack a father...70% of juveniles in state operated institutions have no father...85% of youths in prison grew up in fatherless homes....Those make me want to fall to my knees and thank God for the family that He has blessed me with! My dad has always as long as I can remember loved us unconditionally..expecting nothing in return. All he ever wanted for us was to do and be our very best. He is always supportive, always loving, always compassionate, always generous and most of all, always forgiving. Thank you daddy for always being there for us...being the Godly father and husband that you are and setting a biblical example for all to see!! I love you!!


Anonymous said...

What she said....

Anonymous said...

HAGC----I do not hve the words to describe what your post means to me personally...I feel truly blessed to have the family God has given me. Throughout my career I have been shown how dysfunctional some failies are....and the relationships some children have with their parents....Just know that I "love you guys!"


Lil_Britt_Girl said...

Your dad is truly one of the greatest men I have ever known! I love me some Dr. G!!!