Saturday, October 4, 2008

G is for...

G is for Going for the Goal!!! She didn't quite make it in but she definitely got an A for effort!! She was up late last night, so maybe that had her all messed up.
G is for baby goats that we fed at the fair last night. They were adorable!!!!
G is for baby gator that our friend so bravely held!!!


Anonymous said...

hey heather-

hannah is getting sooooo big and she's such a cutie!!!!! good to see yall tonight at papito's (yum-yum!) don't forget to email me that info

Lil_Britt_Girl said...

I love the ABC's... what a neat blogging idea! I have been missing keeping in touch. Between work, church, being sick, and everything else that's been going on... well... I just haven't been the best blogger or blog friend! Glad to know you are still out there and doing well. Hope you have a great week!!!

The Fulgham Family said...

I miss you guys so much! Wish that we could have been there petting the goats with you!