Sunday, September 21, 2008

B is for Big Daddy Weave

Here he of our top favorite Christian singers..Big Daddy Weave. Well, that's actually not his name but the entire band's name. His younger brother is in the band also that calls him Big Daddy and Weaver is their last name..hence, Big Daddy Weave. So glad he clarified that for us! I took Hannah and a friend to their concert last night and we thoroughly enjoyed it. The concert didn't start until 6:30 and we got there a little before 5. Thankfully we were able to get in and get on the front row. When the girls realized they were going to have to wait and hour and a half or more to see the concert, they were not very happy....of course when the concert finally started at 6:45..they understood why I wanted to get there early so they could have the experience of being right under the singer at a concert. They jumped continuously up and down and clapped and squealed. I kept waiting for someone to body surf. Just thrilled my soul to see so many young people praising God and not being ashamed.
This was the opening act..Jason Gray..AWESOME is all I've got to say. He has a stuttering problem but you would have never known in his singing! For this guy to display his talents in the way he did and not being afraid of a crowd with his speech problem..just leaves me speechless. I think we'll see more of him for sure.
And here was the girls fav...Rush of Fools...very boy band type...all cutie patooties...Left the girls starry eyed! and me too!!! We stood in line for autographs for each and made it home by midnight. Whew...what a day!


Anonymous said...

You are one of my angels!

Billy Grahan does have a book titled "Angels"

Anonymous said...

The concert sounds like a lot of fun! It's good for Hannah to learn very early that Christians can have a lot of good clean fun! And that's my kind of music!!!

Barbara said...

I remember taking Jennifer to see Sandi Patty when she was young. We stood in line forever to get autographs and pictures after the concert. All Jennifer could do was cry--she still does.