Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Road Trip

My parents made one of their many roadtrips last week. They took along Hannah and a friend. Hannah did a book report last year on Helen Keller and enjoyed learning about her life. I did also! VERY interesting if you haven't read about her already. They went to Tuscumbia, Alabama (Helen Keller's hometown) and toured her birthplace and saw a play. My dad took several pictures along the way.....I'm sure with the intent for me to blog about them...Hannah called me twice during the week wanting to bring home stray animals that they saw along the way. One kitten they played with at my grandmother's and one stray dog that lived at the hotel they stayed at in Alabama.....which I understand RAN after their car when they left. Can you get that visual?? I know...I know...gives me a lump in my throat too!!! We have all the animals we can handle right now!

Not doing so well on the Atkins anymore...but I did shed about 5 pounds...just enough to give me a little jumpstart and motivation. Just trying to stick to lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. I could eat a tomato sandwich every day during the summer and be happy. Well, I need to go pack some more boxes!!


Barbara said...

What fun! That outfit was just made for GF!!

Lil_Britt_Girl said...

Ok... we have a deal... I pray you up... you pray me up. Totally cute pic of Doc & Ms B... looks like they all had a great time. Hannah is a very blessed little girl to have such wonderful parents/grandparents!!!