Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jesus Glasses and sweets from my sweet

OK..sorry about the quality..I took this picture with my phone this morning cause I couldn't pass up this photo op..this is our 3 year old Sunday School class. We have great fun every Sunday!! We talked about the Good Samaritan and seeing others through God's eyes. Man, don't I wish I could use some of these glasses to see people the way God does to get through a day!! Or even just to be a child again..they are so forgiving and show such mercy sometimes. Anyway..GREAT group of little ones that I've learned MUCH from this year!!! (Some were more happy than others to be wearing the glasses)
Secondly, I just had to share this! Hannah baked these cookies all by herself for Drew and I and even left us a sweet note. Hope you can read this...the grease kinda soaked through the card..but I'll keep it forever!!!

"Dear mom and dad, hope you enjoy the cookies. I made them specaily for you!
enjoy, Hannah


Lindsey said...

So Sweet! I hope Colby makes me cookies one day...

Barbara said...

You are raising that girl right! Cooking, sewing-she can do it all.

Anonymous said...

That is sooooo sweet! Hopefully those grease stains stay there for a loooooong time!