Sunday, January 25, 2009

Duggar Family

I've got a new favorite show. "17 and counting.." It's the reality show of the Duggar family of Arkansas that have 18 children now. To many, this is controversial of the fact of having this many children. If you watch the show for even a few minutes, you will see how intelligent these people are. The children are clean and well mannered, the house is not a wreck as would be expected, the meals are well balanced, and the list goes on and on. If you get a few minutes, visit their website..I promise it's the most interesting thing you'll read this week. It airs on TLC and to me is personally a good way! I haven't been able to find that they claim any certain religion, but it is very evident that they are Christians and are by all means raising a Christian family. Very inspiring!!! (a little overwhelming..but inspiring!!) Check them out this week!!


Stephenie said...

The Duggars live about 15 minutes from me (I live in Rogers, AR). I see them some around town. They are always just as well mannered in public as they are on the TV show. The latest sighting was a few weeks ago right before #18 was born. I was in Olive Garden having lunch with a friend and in walked Mama Dugger to meet her friends for lunch. Baby 18 was born just a couple days kidding!

Lil_Britt_Girl said...

I love the Duggars, too! However, I can't imagine still having babies once one of my children is old enough to be getting married. Won't be long before that lap of hers will prolly be holding grandbabies! Seems like the eldest and his new bride are eager to start their own large brood!