Thursday, January 29, 2009

Camp, anyone?

If you're a mom, or even if you're're going to know what I'm talking about. it's that time of year when you start receiving flyers and packets in the mail about summer camps. I usually start planning Hannah's summer about February or March. I grew up going to camp every summer. I was a glutton for punishment though..I absolutely was homesick to my toenails every time I went, but loved being there with all my peeps. Still have several of the friendships to this day that I made back at good ole rustic church camp in elementary school. Camp is not camp anymore though...I think there is a camp for everything...Music camp, band camp, cheer camp, dance camp, art camp, soccer camp, cooking camp, and my personal camp. What is that about? Maybe the word camp is used to make it sound fun. Everyone associates camp with being fun, right? Even the army has another name for's called A.T. (annual training) and from what Drew talks about and they way his laundry smells when he gets home, it is far from FUN. I think they should come up with more creative names..for instance..Horsin' around, musical week, All about cooking, Learnin' to get your groove on....get my idea?? When I hear the word camp, I will always think of church camp and the friends I made's where I asked Jesus into my heart and where I first kissed a boy!! Lots and lots of memories!! I'm so glad that Hannah will experience the same!!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I think your right with the word 'camp'. It just makes it sound fun! I miss those days!!