Wednesday, February 25, 2009

it's time to paint

so we've been here 6 months and still haven't painted the inside. It's not that it's that's really know I just want to give it a touch of us. I've got to pick out colors and all, but I thought I'd post a few pictures of a few things that will have to be primed first...all "murals" are in the downstairs bathrooms. Go figure... Maybe there needs to be a new spin-off of the show, "What not to Wear.."....."What NOT to paint.." How horrible are these!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Not Me Monday on Thursday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. I'm a bit late in getting this out!!
It was certainly not me that bought American Idol Wii this week...and it certainly is not me that enjoys singing along with it every evening before Drew gets home. No, not me.
It's not me that is seriously addicted to Chic Fila fries with Ranch dressing..that would be unhealthy wouldn't it?
It's certainly not my daughter that told me she has two favorite nose hairs named Stan and Delilah..that would mean she has issues, right? No, that's not us.
It's not me that had a nesting fit today and washed everything in sight..even if I thought it might be the slightest bit dusty...Not me at all.
It's not me for sure that played on Facebook and made us a few minutes late to church on Wednesday...that would be really bad wouldn't it?
It's not me either that is telling on myself on my own it?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

my 3 favorite men....

Valentine's Day was really special this year..I got taken on a date by my three favorite men in the to my Dad of course!! Hannah was at their house and went out to eat with them. Everything was great and I ate enough chocolate on Saturday to make me sick. Our neighbors that moved came with us, so it was great to see them again..we miss them alot!! Even though I think that Valentine's Day is highly over was very nice to spend it with people that I love..considering Hannah and I will be alone next year. :(

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

How beautiful...

Just had to make this quick post! Aren't they cuties?!? These are most of my Wednesday night GA's 2nd grade girls class. For any "non-baptist"...GA stands for Girls in Action. We learn about missions every Wednesday night. We are on Peru right now and a particular group of mountain Indians...Our memory verse is "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring Good News..." Maybe..just of these girls will be in Peru one day serving!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

so far in February...

I've been slacking blogwise lately. February has been kinda busy so far. I was excited cause Hannah's Valentine's party was at school today so I thought..good, I'll have something to take pictures of so I can post. There is some crazy focus error on my camera and it won't allow me to take any pictures at all. I've got to try and locate the manual and figure out what the deal is. Here are a few of the pics I had already on my ca,era that I took off though.. kinda boring sorry.

This is Hannah's bud Jessi and sister Jordan...stuffing their face at the Superbowl party.

Hannah and I walked up to the lake the other day with Poncho and snapped a few pics...I can't wait til summer gets here. It's so pretty out here at Lake Caroline. I should get a picture of their sign..but a new restaurant has opened right here on Lake Caroline and it's called The Mermaid Cafe. If you feel like a little outing and a drive..please come try it! It's GREAT!! The owner of Nick's in Jackson owns this as you can's awesome.. Drew is on orders now and traveling back and forth to Hernando, so we are kinda bored and missing him. Deployment still on go for May 1. Hopefully I will have something to post about after the weekend. The boys 17th birthday is this Friday and I'm working on a fun post for them...stay tuned!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Did you know?

In 2008, Americans dumped about 180 million cell phones into U.S. landfills, and many more just tossed them in the drawer, and they can stack up quickly. Clean out the cell phone drawer, reduce waste and donate any cell phone to Cell Phones for Soldiers. Every phone you donate will provide a soldier serving overseas with a valued gift − talk time with family and friends at home.
Cell Phones for Soldiers is a nonprofit organization that recycles cell phones to raise funds to purchase prepaid calling cards for U.S. soldiers serving in combat. Donated phones are sent to Michigan-based Re Cellular, which pays Cell Phones for Soldiers for each donated phone – enough to provide an hour of talk time to soldiers abroad. The organization was founded in 2004 by two Massachusetts teens, Robbie and Brittany Bergquist, with only $21 dollars. Today Cell Phones has received donations of more than $2 million dollars and provided more than 500,000 60-minute calling cards to soldiers.

How can I donate to Cell Phones for Soldiers?
There are two ways to donate. Just drop your old cell phones, chargers, and other accessories at any of these convenient drop-off locations, and the soldiers of A-CO 2/198th CAB receive phone cards for our troops.
Visit Cell Phones for Soldiers and print a free-shipping label to mail phones directly.
Can I designate my donation be awarded to a specific soldier or unit?
Yes, phones donated at the Hernando drop-off locations will automatically be credited to the A-CO 2/198th CAB based in Hernando. Those using the Web site to donate phones can designate specific recipients or units.
Does the phone have to be working?
No, you may donate any phone in any condition.

Do I need to donate the battery?
No you do not have to send the battery or accessories, but you may donate those items also.

Is my donation tax-deductible?Yes, Cell Phones for Soldiers is a 501c3 non-profit organization, you may print a donation receipt on the Web site.

Why should I donate cell phones?
The average cell phone user upgrades every 18 months. That's a lot of cell phones. Electronics like cell phones, computer equipment and audio/video components often contain metals that can be toxic when they begin to breakdown. Useful materials such as glass, copper, aluminum, plastic and other components can often be extracted and reused when electronics are disposed of properly.

Can I donate other electronics?
No, Cell Phones for Soldiers only accepts cell phones and accessories. However, companies like Apple, Best Buy,and Office Depot sponsor electronic recycling programs.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2 new favs

My 2 newest favorite things are worth sharing I think.. first is this mug that Hannah made me. She made it for Valentines but insisted that I go ahead and start drinking out of it. I LOVE anything made by the kids and enjoy so much seeing how Hannah's things improve year after year...all the little orange and red dots were made with her fingers. You can click on the pictures to enlarge.
I saw a print in a gift shop not long ago and immediately thought of my friend Lindsey. She is very talented with ceramics and painting so I snapped a shot of the print with my phone and asked if she could put it on a large platter and a few weeks later...Wa it is. I love it and have it on a stand in my kitchen..which is where everyone seems to gather. Does anyone else have a kitchen like that?? Everybody always seems to end up congregating in the kitchen..when there is plenty of room to sit in the living room. Anyway, I LOVE this platter. Check out her things at