Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Complete Overhaul

Well, to be quite honest, I had thought about deleting this blog altogether but I think I'll carry it out a bit longer.... ONLY because my old friend John gave me such a good idea. John and I recently caught up with one another on where else, Facebook (another thing that's been keeping me from blogging) I've enjoyed so much reading his blog and he has given me some motivation to blog about some things. Some of his posts have really made me stop and examine some parts of my life...especially my past. Uuugghhh..don't ya hate that word? PAST.. Thank God that's exactly what it is. The Past.
Some much has happened since my last post before Christmas. I won't even attempt to go back and touch on everything. What I can tell you is that this crazy deployment that is keeping my husband away from us is about to come to a close. Less than one month away now. I've gone this long....One month is a piece of cake.
So the thing that John blogged about that has my wheels turning is People or Places I've Been Influenced By.... I've got a few important ones in mind. Still have a little churning to do...but please stay tuned to see who made the list.....
In the meantime, I've given this little silly blog a makeover and changed some blogs that I follow. Check them out! I'll be back soon...Promise.


#1 Brother said...

Cool....oh, put Honey's name first:)

Cory said...

Blogging can be cathartic. Keep it up.

John said...

Wow, thanks for the shout out. I didn't think anyone paid any attention to my stuff. I'm glad it motivated you. I can't wait to read more from yours.

Stephenie said...

So glad that you didn't shut down your blog! I love the idea and may have to steal the idea from time to time on my own blog. Hope that the next 30 days fly by!

Barbara said...

Glad you're staying. I can't find anyone who is still writing but me. And no one reads it much. Cory's right--it helps!! You could show us your newly decorated home that you did totally by yourself!! Love your new curtains for the kitchen and Hannah's room.

Pat said...

I still read it! Thanks for staying the course.

Anonymous said...

Im so glad you're not deleting this blog!! I love toread the things you have to say. Can't wait to see more!!! Btw... I finally got around to updating my blog too :)

harada57 said...
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