If nobody has told you, summer is here. I know you are miserable like me when you get in your car and have to drive for a few minutes with just the tips of your fingers cause the steering wheel is so stinkin hot.
Our tomatoes are doing very well!! Just wish some would hurry and turn red...there's tons of them just waiting for me to eat them!
This needs no explanation. Can't you just smell this bacon cooking? My absolute most favorite thing to eat in the summer. You just can't make a bad one. Almost feel guilty eating them without Drew. He loves'em as much as me. Sure do miss that guy!
Another sure fire sign is the dragging out of the neon polish! We have a different color each week on our toes. Not sure when or why we started this, but we aren't the only ones...something fun to do in the summer for girls!
I think I should probably OWN Pop-Ice by now...or at least stock. I say every summer I should stockpile them cause they only sell'em in the summer and we love'em so much!!! VERY cheap and taste great on a 100 degree day. Oh yeah..dogs like'em too.
Last but not least...the pool with friends. Of course, now you have to go to the bottom of the deep end to feel the coolness of the water. Oh what am I whining about...my husband is in the desert. He would probably welcome some lukewarm water right about now to swim in.
Another one of my favs is all the fireflies out right at dusk. Wish I could capture on camera all of them behind our house. Looks like white twinkle lights...just beautiful.